For engineers and designers have a 1-2 laptop for working at the office and a desktop for working at home and often need to use both of them from home.
Before : Two sets of keyboards and mouses takes a lot of desk space. When you switch frequently between devices, nothing is more frustrating than plugging and unplugging all of your peripherals and cables every time.
Why not try a HDMI TYPE C KVM switcher?

HKM-310PD as a solution
It can help you set up a kvm workspace at home or office effortlessly. It can help you control and toggle between two computers with one set of keyboard, mouse and one monitor. The best part is that the whole switching process is convenient and fast with minimal lags, it avoids disrupting your workflow and improve work productivity. Most importantly, with the minimization of peripherals, it will also keep your desk clean and free of clutter.
Our kvm switch supports most common HDMI USB-C interface. NO USB-C to HDMI Cable/Adaptor is required. When you get home with your work mac or any laptop, you can directly connect it to your KVM switcher(workstation) and get to work right away.